3 research outputs found

    Revisi贸n Sistem谩tica de Literatura: Inyecci贸n SQL en Aplicaciones web

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    SQL injection is a security vulnerability that affects web applications. This occurs when a SQL (malicious code) query is inserted through the inputs of a client interface allowing you to read and modify information. This article details the process of systematic review of literature on primary studies that raise proposals and solution about SQL injection. Barbara Kitchenham proposed protocol was followed and a total of 9 studies of various journals and conferences was reviewed. Research on SQL injections is still an open issue, it has been obtained proposals for the prevention and detection of it. One is Hibrid Modeling Framework that addresses SQL injection vulnerabilities in the design phase. Exposed solutions are many and diverse, focused on prevention and detection of SQL injection vulnerabilities.  La inyecci贸n SQL es una vulnerabilidad de seguridad que afecta a las aplicaciones web. Esto ocurre cuando se inserta una consulta SQL (c贸digo malicioso), por medio de las entradas de una interfaz de cliente permitiendo leer y modificar la informaci贸n. El presente art铆culo detalla el proceso de la revisi贸n sistem谩tica de literatura sobre estudios primarios que plantean propuestas y soluci贸n acerca de inyecci贸n SQL. Se sigui贸 el protocolo propuesto por B谩rbara Kitchenham y se revis贸 un total de 9 estudios de varias revistas y conferencias. Las investigaciones sobre inyecciones SQL es todav铆a un tema abierto, se ha obtenido propuestas para la prevenci贸n y detecci贸n de la misma. Una de ellas es Hibrid Modeling Framework que hace frente a las vulnerabilidades de inyecci贸n SQL en la fase de dise帽o. Las soluciones expuestas son muchas y diversas, enfocadas en la prevenci贸n y detecci贸n de vulnerabilidades de inyecci贸n SQL. &nbsp

    Las Tic En El Proceso De Ense帽anza Aprendizaje

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    The objective of this article is to contribute to the successful incorporation of ICTs in the teaching - learning process as a means of teaching and analysis. At the same time, as seen in this process, they can contribute in making the content of other subjects meaningful and in developing metacognitive strategies in the students. All of these is possible through constructivist foundations and the cultural historical approach of Vygotsky. As a result, the theoretical, empirical, and statistical methods are used according to the research. The main characteristics of the ICT were highlighted, as well as their advantages and disadvantages. Then, methodological treatment on some contents of Mathematics as examples were given. Finally, a didactic model that synthesizes the double role of ICT and that highlights the role of the main actors in the act of teaching and learning was proposed. It, however, addresses the importance of cooperation and multidisciplinary work in achieving the objectives of the study

    Automatizaci贸n De Una Sala De Orde帽o Para El Control De Compuertas, Dosificaci贸n De Alimento Y Medici贸n De Leche, Caso De Estudio: Espoch-Ecuador

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    This paper focuses on the development of an automatic system for a milking room in the Tunshi Experimental Center of the Polytechnic Superior School of Chimborazo, Ecuador. This research uses a theoretical, empirical and statistical methods, and it was carried out using the SCADA system. The proposal was integrated by three subsystems that fulfill specific functions. These functions are: gate control system, feed dosage control system, and milk measurement system. These subsystems use a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) that is responsible for communicating with devices such as sensors, electrovalves, and pneumatic actuators. The PLC communicates through a process control server (PCS) using a Control Software developed in LabVIEW, which is responsible for the monitoring and controlling the SCADA System. This is done in order to propose a viable option in a bid to increase the competitiveness of the livestock sector